+91 9000 3041 58
The fire hose reel cabinet is made of mild steel and is mainly installed on the wall. When the cabinets are made, advanced laser cutting and automatic welding technologies are used to ensure good product quality. Both the inside and outside of the cabinet are painted, effectively preventing the cabinet from being corroded and extending its service life.
When encountering a fire, first open the water outlet valve of the reel, then drag the fire hose to the fire position, open the nozzle of the reel, aim at the fire source, and extinguish the fire. The complete set of fire-fighting reels with 30-meter type thermoplastic pipe are placed in a combined fire-fighting box or separately in a special fire-fighting box. The fire-fighting reel is used for non-fire-fighting professionals to self-rescue when a small fire occurs. The diameter of the reel water hose is available with us as 19mm, 20 mm, 25mm, the length is 30 m.#5-4-42 to 50, 1st Floor, Kanhaiya Lal Estate, Distillery Road, Secunderabad-500003 Telangana.
+91 9000304158
+91 9963029383
+91 9000 3041 58
+91 9963 0293 83
+91 8919 3931 93
#5-4-42 to 50, 1st Floor, Kanhaiya Lal Estate, Distillery Road, Secunderabad-500003 Telangana.
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