+91 9000 3041 58
An exit sign is a pictogram or short text in a public facility (such as a building, aircraft, or boat) denoting the location of the closest emergency exit to be used in case of fire or other emergency that requires rapid evacuation. Most relevant codes (fire, building, health, or safety) require exit signs to be permanently lit. Exit signs are designed to be absolutely unmistakable and understandable to anyone.
#5-4-42 to 50, 1st Floor, Kanhaiya Lal Estate, Distillery Road, Secunderabad-500003 Telangana.
+91 9000304158
+91 9963029383
+91 9000 3041 58
+91 9963 0293 83
+91 8919 3931 93
#5-4-42 to 50, 1st Floor, Kanhaiya Lal Estate, Distillery Road, Secunderabad-500003 Telangana.
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